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Angelina Water Tower Angelina Water Tower

Angelina Water Supply Corporation, based in Lufkin, Texas, has been providing reliable water services since 1964.

clean water coming out of a texas faucet.

Committed to Excellence in Water Service and Conservation

Simple actions, like using water-efficient appliances, and fixing leaks, can make a huge difference in preserving this essential resource. Explore our conservation tips to learn how we’re working together for a sustainable water future.

Water. Quality. Life.

Hard at Work for You

Every day, our team is committed to maintaining and enhancing our water systems to ensure that our community receives a continuous and reliable water supply. We understand the importance of water as a vital resource, and we work tirelessly to uphold the highest standards of water quality. Our goal is to offer a service that not only meets the needs of our customers but also exceeds their expectations in terms of dependability, safety, and accessibility.

Workers repairing a leak.
Workers repairing a leak at night.
a worker from Angelina water repairing a water line in a pit.